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Birthday Wishes for Son

26 Special Birthday Wishes for Son

Children are special; in fact, they are the most beautiful gifts for parents. Every time parents want to do something for their children, they want it to be special. They will pick up the best things for them just so they can see a smile on their face. Similarly, when it comes to birthday wishes for their children, parents become extremely picky.

Picking the best words for a special birthday wish for a child is difficult. The reason is that the occasion is the same as the words. Therefore, parents, when wishing a happy birthday to their children, want something more unique and special.

For the same reason, today we have brought some of the best and most special birthday wishes for our son and daughter. Here you will find different sections for “Birthday wishes for son” and “Birthday wishes for daughter.” So choose according to whether it is the birthday of your son or daughter.

Best Birthday wishes for Son:

Sons always want everything the best, as compared to daughters. So always remember to send them special birthday wishes for their son. Here are some ideas for special birthday wishes for my son.

Here are some of the best birthday wishes for your son.

  1. You are the best gift ever that God gave to us. Happy birthday, son! God bless you in all the ways He has blessed us with you.
  2. If I were to ask God for anything else again, I would ask for you once again. I wish you the best birthday ever!
  3. It is my heartiest wish for God to bring you an abundance of joy on this special day and always. Happy Birthday, My Son!
  4. No matter how old you are, you will always be a toddler to me. May God bless you with all the desires of your heart. Happy Birthday
  5. I am very grateful to be your mother. There is no day that I do not thank God that he gave me a special son like you. Happy Birthday!
  6. I haven’t liked anything else more than I love you. May God bless you with all the desires of your heart today. Happy Birthday!
  7. Your presence among us is like having achieved everything in life. I thank God every day for you. Happy Birthday, my boy!
  8. Happy birthday, my precious cherub! God has sent you to us so that we can enjoy his blessings every day.
  9. May God give you everything you ever desired. Happy Birthday, my dear son!
  10. The only thing I ask of God every time I pray is that he gives you the gifts of love, peace, and happiness. Happy birthday, son!

The most amusing birthday wishes for your son

Following are the best funny birthday wishes for your son:

  1. Who said it was your birthday? Oh, you? Okay, let’s celebrate it.
  2. You are one in a million for us. Happy birthday, son!
  3. Why would you get presents today? After all, we are the ones who gave you life.
  4. May God bless you with all your wishes except the illegal ones, and I know which ones they are. Happy Birthday!
  5. I know there is going to be a party to enjoy it, but hangovers are the worst at this age. Happy birthday, son!
  6. Since you are not a kid anymore, does this mean you are going to pay us all the expenses you incurred during your childhood?
  7. It’s hard to believe you are not a child anymore, although you still whine like a baby. Happy birthday, son!
  8. Happy birthday, son! I am thinking of giving you a hug as a present this time. How does that sound?
  9. Happy birthday to the child who we always dressed up according to our own wants.
  10. Happy birthday, old man. Now you should stop acting like a kid and start behaving like a wise old man.

Birthday Wishes to Daughter:

Daughters are always a bit more emotional than boys. even though no matter what you say or give, they will always be thankful to you. It’s your duty as parents to give them the best birthday wishes and birthday presents, even better than your boys, because of their love for you.

Following are some of my best birthday wishes for my daughter.

  1. Happy Birthday, my cutie pie! You are the best daughter any parent could ever have!
  2. I hope this special day brings you every special desire you’ve ever had. Happy Birthday, my Moon!
  3. When you entered my life, I felt the ever-present light. Now it feels like I have a full, bright sun in the shape of you. I’m wishing you the happiest birthday ever.
  4. I loved no one more than you. You are my sunshine. Happy birthday, sweetie!
  5. May all your wishes come true, as well as whatever you desire for yourself. Happy Birthday!
  6. You are certainly the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy Birthday, my potato
  7. Every day I am thankful to God that he gave me a strong, independent woman. Happy birthday. 
  8. When you are making a wish on your birthday, don’t forget to thank the man above for all of your blessings. Happy birthday, boy!
  9. I always pray to God that you remain the kindhearted person you’ve always been, and you have never made me doubt that. I wish you nothing but the best today and always.
  10. I have two hearts, one of which is yours, and you are unquestionably my special one. Happy birthday, son!
  11. Today we are celebrating the best thing ever to happen to us. We love you so much. Happy Birthday!

Funny birthday wishes for your daughter:

  1. The cake will be the only food today; nothing else, and no spills either. mother is aware of everything. Happy Birthday!
  2. Now we know how many prayers it took for you to come into our lives. You are getting more chubby, sweetie. Happy Birthday
  3. Thank you for all those sleepless nights you gave us during your childhood. Happy birthday, daughter!
  4. Happy birthday, my sweetie, Make sure to watch your face before blowing out the candles.

Final Viewpoints:

Always send the best birthday messages to your children. Above are the best birthday wishes for your son and daughter. I hope it will give you a better idea of how to wish and make the day more special.

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